Hello guys, sorry for the delay but i had some problems last weeks and barely had time to edit. I hope you enjoy the Genshin Impact Bennett.exe :) If you liked don't forget to leave your BOKEN in comments. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 👑Become a Member: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKm9kvJCqHvhtz04M2DadZQ/join 🔽This is my others social media If you want to follow me. I am spanish btw. ➡️Twitter : https://twitter.com/Rawfler44 ➡️Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/rawfler ➡️Second Channel : https://www.youtube.com/notrawfler ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ►Build: Crimson Witch of Flames: Att/Pyro Dmg/Crit Rate Weapon: Festering Desire ►Music: -Tombi 1 - Village Of All Beginnings: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Iqr13V62jug&ab_channel=YouAllSuck5000 -White Knight Chronicles 2 - The Battlefield Flower : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F5ayOAYAUMY&ab_channel=ShiroiYuriNoOtome -Outro:https://soundcloud.com/xwhiteglintx/whiteglint-ion #bennett #genshin #meme

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